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precinct  Chair resources

Help promote local Involvement

A big part of being a precinct chair is getting out the vote, involving your precint voters, and reminding them of the elections. 


We have created the following flyers to promote these activities and to help sharing these opportunities for involvement.

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  • Republican Primary:  Candidates postulate to become the Republican nominee for a determined position. At this stage, you can vote for your preferred candidate with no risk of harming the Republican incumbent. This is a very important election.


  • Municipal Elections: City-level positions - Student Board Members, City Council members, and Mayor.


  • Primary Nominee Elections: The candidates that win the primary are the Republican party nominees for the Presidential or General elections. The Republican party voters stand behind these candidates in spite of these not being preferred during the primaries. 


        All the above races require volunteers to block walk, phone bank, fundraise, participate in candidates' events, and volunteer on election days.


  • Precinct convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the precinct level to discuss Resolutions, Rules, or Legislative priorities that they desire the party to take on or update.


  • Senate District convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the Senate District level to discuss Resolutions, Rules, or Legislative priorities that they desire the party to take on or update.


  • State Convention: Initial level of Republican conventions. Delegates gather at the State level to discuss Resolutions, Rules, or Legislative priorities Which will be adopted under the Texas Republican platform, rules, and legislative priorities.


To participate as a delegate in the Republican State Convention, you need to serve as Senate District and Precinct level delegate. To be eligible as a delegate, you need to have voted in the latest Republican primary election.

Know the rules

Rules Cheat Sheet Front.jpg
Rules Cheat Sheet Back.jpg

Purchase your copy of Robert's Rules of Order 12th Edition, Here. (Amazon Link)

robert rules of order.png

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